Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Busy Week

We had a v busy week. Friday night - drinking, Sat night - drinking etc etc. The Fulham Haven would not be v impressed (Heavy drinking is a risk factor for b c). In fact I'm not very impressed with myself. Several days wasted, when I could be watering the garden, reading some books and sorting out my literal-ton of paperwork.

Chemo will probably start in about two weeks and the pact I've made with Phil is that in return for doing this I will never voluntarily wear a flourescent tabbard. Ever again.

I am going to have a 'Kylie Kut' before it starts and get my hair all cut off.


Jo said...

Well, sod the Fulham Haven. Drinking is a risk factor for pretty much everything, but you've got to do what you've got to do...

I had a Kylie Kut when I was backpacking around India in 1992. It was at this point I realised that I have an asymmetric pointy head and look like an alien. So be prepared to not look like Kylie... but there are advantages - showering is ace, as is swimming in the sea. You just get out and rub your head. Bargain. xxx

Anonymous said...

I had a Mia Farrow as it was known then, in my last year at school & I thought I looked great, though I did once have to suffer a tirade from an ancient monastic almshouse dweller (both almshouse & dweller being ancient) who thought I was a boy in a skirt. You'll look terrific xx

tatton said...

Thanks for your comments girls. I'm looking forward to having less hair. You're absolutely right - less hassle.