Saturday, September 24, 2005

Reclaiming fplogging and plogging: The quest for significance ahead of irrelevance and coincidence

I may not have invented any words in my lifetime, but I do think that language needs to be reclaimed by people who are not saddos. For example, splogging is a good one - those idiots advertising silly things on blogs. But fplogging seems to have been conquered by computer geeks (name of a computer programme). Pflogging is better - it seems to be slightly more controversial (language within software, not owned by anyone). Plogging is also good - political blogging. But I'm a female political blogger. A Fplogger.

Fploggers of the world unite.


Phil said...

How about house training boyfriends? What are you on about fplogging? You can fplog off!

SMF said...

Hey to get rid of all this spam nonsence go into your blogger settings under the "Comments" tab click yes on "Show word verification for comments?" This way people who post comments (Such as me and Phil) will have to type in a string to verify we are infact humans. Let me know if you can't figure it out! It's solved the problem for me!